welcome to ad infinitum lit

a place for boundless ramblings, little infinities, and everything in between.

about us

at it's heart, ad infinitum is a literary and arts magazine by the youth, for the youth.our mission is to uplift and showcase international literary and artistic talent through collaboration and community. we are a refuge for the fleeting, for the uncomfortable, for the lost and for the found. we are actively seeking out creatives who have unique perspectives, unconventional styles, and a little something different in their work.we want work that shoots for the stars, that leaves an aftertaste in our mouths, and that truly embodies going to infinity and beyond, the very definition of "ad infinitum".with that being said, go forth, explore the universe, and let us know what you find.

read our issues here!

submisson guidelines

thank you for considering submitting your work to ad infinitum. we are excited to review your creative contributions and welcome writers from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. however, before submitting, here are some things to keep in mind.

  • we accept work from both emerging and established writers. we do not favor one or the other.

  • submissions must be in english, OR have a translation provided alongside the submission. both will be published together if accepted.

you may submit in any of the following categories:

  • fiction: short stories and flash fiction (up to 5,000 words).

  • poetry: up to 5 poems of any length.

  • creative nonfiction: essays, memoirs, and personal essays (up to 5,000 words).

  • artwork: visual art, including illustrations and photography.

how to submit:

  • to submit, email your work to [email protected] with the subject line [name] [type of submission] [title of piece(s)]. in the body of the email, include a brief cover letter, a description/explanation of your piece(s) (optional), and a short (150 words max) author bio, should your submission be accepted. include your piece(s) as attachments.

  • while we try to be quick, our editorial team is human and only has so much time. if we do not respond to you within 1-2 weeks, feel free to send us a follow up email asking for a status update.

all submissions must:

  • be in a standard font (e.g., times new roman, arial) and 12-point size.

  • use double spacing for prose submissions and single spacing for poetry.

  • be in pdf, doc, or docx format.

  • be completely original, or have explicit permission from original creator(s) for remixing their work. additionally, we do not accept AI-generated pieces.

  • not be previously published in another magazine, or on any sort of blog or social media.

other important information:

  • we ask for first serial rights, and that any future publications of accepted work will acknowledge ad infinitum.

  • we are mostly interested in work by lgbtq+ people, women, people of color, global writers, people living with disability, people dealing with mental illness, survivors of catastrophe and abuse, and other marginalized groups. this being said, please properly trigger warn any pieces that need it.

  • ad infinitum does not tolerate any form of bigotry, discrimination, or hate speech. submissions that justify or endorse these things will not be accepted.

our masthead

Editor in Chief


Jillian (she/her) is 17, and is published in footprints on jupiter, levitate, and the weight, among others. When she isn’t writing, she is napping or listening to music. Hit her up on instagram @astrallyprojecting!

Poetry Editor


Claire (she/her) is 15, and has been reading & writing for as long as she can remember. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, playing the trumpet, spending time with friends, and creating things.

Prose Editor


Sophie (she/her) loves to read and write, in addition to playing tennis and dancing ballet. A fun fact about her is that she if obsessed with ice cream cake and will eat it at any given chance, not just her birthday.

Social Media Manager


Moth (she/her) is a poet who lives in a house on a hill. She is an avid ghost enthusiast and has an affinity for evil and pastries. She can be found telling lies on her twitter @hellaabore.

Poetry Editor


Sadie (she/her) is 17 years old. Writing has always been one of her favorite pastimes, as well as photography. She's very excited to be a part of this project!

Prose Editor


On’lirier (he/him) is a novelist fond of space, music, procrastinating and the oxford comma. If you ever see him, run. It’s up to you which direction.